O: Meaning of baby name O

Gender of O: Male

Meaning of O: Descendent Of. Irish Surnames Formed By Prefacing O'.

Origin of O: Irish

Famous People Named O:

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto served as both the President and Prime Minister of Pakistan.

Zoroaster is named after its founder, Zoroaster.

Zoran Jolevski is the current Minister of Defense for the Republic of Macedonia and a former diplomat.

Zora Neale Hurston was a well-known American folklorist, anthropologist and author.

Zack de la Rocha is one of the most admired and well-respected American musician and lyricist.

Zachary Taylor was the 12th President of the United States, serving from March 1849 until his death in July 1850.

Zac Efron is an American actor and singer whose tryst with the showbiz started as a teenager.

Yoweri Museveni is the current President of Uganda.

Young Buck is a popular American rapper, entrepreneur and producer.

Yoshiro Mori is a former Prime minister of Japan.

Yogi Berra is a former American baseball player and the manager for New York Yankees who took the team to the winning stream.

Yiannis Boutaris is currently the mayor of Thessaloniki, the second largest city of Greece.

Xenophon was a famous Greek historian and philosopher of 4th century B.

Woody Hayes was a renowned American football player and coach.

Woody Harrelson is an Academy award nominated American actor and activist.

Woody Guthrie was a very prominent American folk musician.

Woody Allen was an American screenwriter, director, actor & musician, Woody Allen’s career spans across five decades.

Wolfgang Puck is an American celebrity chef, restaurateur and the founder of Wolfgang Puck Companies.

Wole Soyinka is a Nigerian writer, poet and play writer.

Winston Churchill was a British politician and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

Wilma Rudolph was an American sprinter who was considered the fastest woman of her times.

William Wordsworth was an English poet.

William Thomas Stead was a renowned British news paper editor.

William Theodore Walton III is a retired American basketball player who played for the Portland Trail Blazers before becoming a television sportscaster.

William S. Burroughs was an iconic American writer of the Beat generation.

William Ruto is a politician who hails from Kenya and is the first Deputy President of the Republic of Kenya.

William Randolph Hearst was an American newspaper publisher.

William Morris was an English textile designer, writer and socialist.

William James Mayo was renowned physician and surgeon in the United States of America.

William Hooper was a lawyer and politician from North Carolina who signed the U.

William Henry Harrison was a brave Army man who went on to become the President of the United States.

William Golding was an English poet, novelist, playwright and a winner of Nobel Prize and Booker Prize.

William Godwin was a famous political philosopher, journalist and novelist.

William Gibson is an American-Canadian novelist who pioneered the genre of science/speculative fiction.

William Ewart Gladstone was a famous British politician who served as the Prime Minister of United Kingdom four times.

William E. Simon was a successful businessman and philanthropist.

William Cowper was an English poet and hymnodist and one of the pioneers of Romantic poetry.

Wilfred Owen was an English poet and soldier and the greatest writer of war poetry in the English language.

Whitney Houston was a famous American singer and actress who is known for her songs like ‘Saving All My Love for You’ and ‘Greatest Love of All’.

Wayne Rooney is an English footballer widely regarded as one of the best. He plays for Manchester United and the England national team.

Waylon Jennings was an American country singer and songwriter.

Wassily Leontief was the Nobel Prize winning economist, and he acclaimed for his input–output analysis, is a name to reckon with.

Washington Irving was America's first genuine internationally best-selling author.

Warren Zevon was an American musician and rock singer-songwriter.

W. Clement Stone was a successful businessman, philanthropist and self-help book author.

Voltaire is a famous 17th century writer who is known for advocating separation of religious and administrative institutions through his works.

Vladimir Nabokov was a Russian-born novelist, lepidopterist and chess composer.

Virginia Woolf was an English novelist and essayist.

Violeta Chamorro was the former President of Nicaragua and is credited for ending the raging Civil War and establishing peace in the country.

Vincent van Gogh was a legendary Dutch painter.

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