Colorful Baby Names, Baby Names means Colorful

Colorful Baby NamesThe world is colorful and there are lots of color names, each color name is unique and it has its own personality, just like your new born baby. It is great to name your child with the baby names inspirated by the color names, choose a special color which both you and your spouse like it, maybe it is associated with your little angel and there is a story about the name. We believe that there are enough colorful baby names here for you, why not pick up a perfect one for your beloved baby?

Baby NameMeaningGender
AbetziOmaha Name Meaning " Yellow Leaf."Female
AbeytuOmaha Name Meaning " Green Leaf."Female
AdamOf The Red EarthMale
AdamaIbo Of Nigeria Female Name Meaning "Beautiful Child" Or "Queenly."Female
AdaminaFeminine Form Of Adam, "Of The Red Earth."Some Variants Are Adamine, Adaminna, Addie, Mina, And Minna.Female
AdanYoruba Of Nigeria Name Meaning "A Large Bat."Also, The Spanish Equivalent Of Adam.Male
AddamVariation Of Adam . From The Red Earth.Male
AddisonSon Of Adam.Male
AderrigFrom The Red FordMale
AdminaOf The Red EarthFemale
AdwinAkan Of Ghana Word Meaning "Artist" Or "Thinker."Male
AfinaMeaning UnknownFemale
Afra"Doe; Young Deer." Also Arabic Name Meaning "Color Of Earth." Variants Include Affera, Affery, Affra, Aphra.Female
AghadergFrom The Red FordMale
AilbeIntelligent Or NobleMale
Ailbhe"Noble, Bright." Variants Include Alva, Alvy, Elva, Elvy AILEENFemale
AileanaFrom The Green MeadowFemale
AileenLight. Variant Of Evelyn.Female
AileinFrom The Green MeadowMale
AiravataChild Of WaterMale
AkasmaWhite Climbing RoseFemale

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