Nicolas Cage is a famous American actor, producer and director, best-known for his role in action and sci-fi films.
Larry Page is the co-founder of search engine Google.
John Cage was an experimental and legendary composer of the 20th century often called the father of indeterminism.
Jean Piaget was a psychologist and philosopher known for his theory of cognitive development.
James Paget was a famous British surgeon and physiologist considered as one of the founders of modern pathology.
Ferdinand Magellan was a famous Portuguese navigator and explorer.
Chuck Yeager is a retired brigadier general who became the first pilot to officially break the sound barrier.
Charles Babbage is regarded as the father of modern computers.
Bob Saget is a stand-up comedian, television host and an actor.
Adam Savage is known for his science and technology show on Discovery, ‘MythBusters’.