Greek Mythology Baby Names: Boy Names After Olympian Gods

Alexiares: A son of the god Heracles, one of the gate-keepers of Olympus. His name means "the unconquerable."

Anicitus: A son of the god Heraces, one of the gate-keepers of Olympus. His name means "he-who-wards off war."
Aniketos: Another name for Anicitus.
Apollo: One of the twelve great Olympian gods, the god of music, prophecy and healing.
Apollon: Another name for Apollo.
Ares: The great Olympian god of war and conflict.
Asclepius: The god of medicine and healing.
Cratus: The god of strength and power, one of four winged Daemones who stood attendant by the throne of Zeus.
Deimus: The god of fear, a son of Ares who accompanied his father on the battlefield.
Deimos: Another name for Deimus.
Dionysus: One of the twelve great Olympian gods, the god of wine, viticulture, and wild vegetation.
Dionysos: Another name for Dionysus.
Dioscuri: The gods of horsemen and gymnasia, patron gods of the Games, and protectors of sailors.
Dioskouroi: Another name for Dioscuri.
Eros: The god of love and sexual desire.
Erotes: The winged gods of love.
Ganymedes: The cupbearer of Zeus who served nectar at the feasts of the gods.
Hephaestus: One of the twelve ruling gods of Olympus. The craftsman's god presiding over metalworking, building, sculpture, and artistry.
Hephaistos: Another name for Hephaestus.
Heracles: The greatest of the Greek heroes. The gatekeeper of heaven, and the god of strength and heroic endeavour and the averter of evil.
Hermes: One of the twelve great Olympian gods. The god of herds and flocks, the country arts, travel, trade, merchants, and thievery.
Himerus: The god of sexual desire.
Himeros: Another name for Himerus.
Hymenaeus: The god of the weddings and the marriage hymn.
Hymenaios: Another name for Hymenaeus.

Paeon: The physician of the Olympian gods.
Paion: Another name for Paeon.
Phobus: The god of panic.
Phobos: Another name for Phobus.
Poseidon: The King of the sea and one of the twelve ruling gods of Olympus.
Pothus: The god of sexual yearning.
Pothos: Another name for Pothus.
Zelus: The god of rivalry and competition, one of four winged Daemones who guarded the throne of Zeus.
Zelos: Another name for Zelus.
Zeus: The great King of the Gods, ruler of Olympos and the Heavens, and leader of the Twelve. He was the god of the sky, weather, kings, fate, law and order.

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