200 Cute Girl Names For Your Sweet Babies

Picking names for your babies is never easy, and you have to think and research a lot. Giving your little cute girl a cute, interesting and meaningful name might be a good idea. Here comes our collection of 200 cute baby girl names from various countries and cultures, these names have wonderful meanings, and they make good names for your sweet girls.

Abigail: Biblical name means "father's joy."

Ada: Cute vintage name means "prosperous; happy."
Aditha: Hindu name means "the first root."
Agna: German name means "pure, chaste, holy."
Agustina: Argentinian name means "grand."
Aiko: Japanese name means "a child of love."
Aina: Scandinavian name means "forever."
Aislinn: Celtic name means "vision, dream."
Akello: Kenyan name means "first child after twins."
Akila: Egyptian name means "intelligent."
Akuti: Hindu name means "princess."
Alana: Irish name means "darling child."
Alanis: Old German name means "precious."
Alexandra: Greek name means "man's defender."
Alia: Muslim name means "exalted."
Alice: Old German name means "noble; exalted."
Alina: Greek name means "sun ray; fair."
Alison: Old German name means "noble; exalted."
Amara: Latin name means "everlasting, eternal."
Amity: Latin name means "friendship, harmony."
Anastasia: German name means "of the resurrection."
Anais: French name means "grace."
Angelica: Latin name means "angelic."
Annabella: Latin name means "beautiful, graceful."
Anthea : Greek name means "flowery."
Aphrodite: Greek name means "foam." Name of the Greek goddess of love, known to the Romans as Venus.
April: Latin name means "to open." The month name often used to symbolize spring, the time when buds open and flowers appear.
Aria: Italian name means "solo melody."
Ariana: Latin name means "holy, silvery."
Arleen: Irish name means "oath, pledge."
Asta: German name means "love."
Astrid: Old Norse name means "fair, beautiful goddess."
Audrey: American name means "strong."
Aurora: Latin name means "dawn." The goddess of the sunrise on Roman mythology.
Ava: latin name means "bird."
Ayanna: African name means "beautiful flower."
Beatrix: Italian name means "brings happiness or joy."
Belle: French name means "beautiful."
Bennu: Egyptian name means "eagle."
Beryl: Greek name means "crystal."
Bess: Greek name means "consecrated to God."
Beth: Hebrew name means "worshiper or God."
Bethany: Biblical name means "the house of song."
Blair: Scottish name means "dweller of the plain."
Blythe: English name means "happy, carefree."
Bonnie: Scottish name means "pretty, charming beautiful."
Branna: Irish name means "raven."
Brenda: Norse name means "sword; torch."
Bridget: Celtic name means "power; virtue."
Brooke: English name means "lives by a stream."
Cai: Vietnamese name means "feminine."
Calista: Greek name means "most beautiful."
Cara: Irish name means "friend."
Catrina: Portuguese name means "pure; innocent."
Celia: Latin name means "heaven."
Chanya: Kenyan name means "grace of Jehovah."
Charisse: French name means "grace, beauty, and kindness."
Charity: New Testament name means "love, faith and hope."
Charlotte: German name means "free."
Chloe: Greek name means "green shoot." The name of the goddess of harvest and fertility.
Claire: Latin name means "clear, bright, famous."
Danielle: Hebrew name means "God is my judge."
Darcy: Irish name means "dark haired."
Daria: Persian name means "sea."\
Darlene: Anglo-Saxon name means "tenderly love."
Dawn: English name means "the sunrise."
Deidre: The most beautiful woman in ancient Ireland from Celtic mythology.
Diana: Latin name means "fertile, god, divine." The name of the Roman goddess of fertility and childbirth, of hunting, and the moon.
Doris: Greek name means "gift."
Drew: Anglo-Saxon name means "wise."
Drusilla: Biblical name means "watered by the dew."
Ebba: German name means "as strong as a wild boar."
Eden: Hebrew name means "delight."
Effemy: German name means "fair speech."
Eira: Welsh name means "snow."
Elakshi: Hindu name means "a woman with intelligent eyes."
Elizabeth: Hebrew name means "the fullness of God."
Erika: Norse name means "eternal ruler."
Eris: The goddess of discord and destruction from Greek mythology.
Estelle: Latin name means "star."
Ethel: German name means "noble."
Eva: Hebrew name means "life."
Evangelina: Biblical name means "the messenger of good news."
Evelyn: French name means "wished for child."
Faith: Greek name means "confidence, trust, belief."
Farrah: Arabic name means "joy, happiness."
Fawn: English name means "young deer." The Greek mythological deity of fertility and nature was Fauna. She was famous for her chastity.
Fedora: Russian name means "god's gift."
Felicia: Latin name means "happy, lucky."
Felistas: kenyan name means "festival."
Femi: Egyptian name means "love."
Fiona: Gaelic name means "white, fair."
Fleur: French name means "flower."
Flora: The Goddess of flowers and spring from Roman mythology.
Frances: Latin name means "free one."
Freya: Scandinavian name means "lady." The Norse goddess of love and fertility and mythological wife of Odin.
Geraldine: English name means "mighty with a spear."
Gia: Italian name means "God is gracious."
Hallie: German name means "ruler of an army."
Hamisi: kenyan name means "born on Thursday."
Hazel: Nature name refers to the nut-bearing shrub or small tree related to the birch family or a color that ranges from light brown to yellowish brown.
Helena: Greek name means "shining light." In mythology the abduction of Zeus's mortal daughter Helen sparked the Trojan War.
Hoshi: Japanese name means "star."

Ida: Celtic name means "thirst for goodness or knowledge."
Imogen: Gaelic name means "maiden."
Inaya: Arabic name means "kindness and grace."
Indah: Indonesian name means "beautiful."
Ines: Argentinian name means "chaste."
Ingrid: German name means "fair or beautiful."
Iona: Irish name means "blessed." Also the island between Ireland and Scotland.
Irene: Greek name means "peace."
Iris: Greek name means "rainbow." Also a beautiful flower.
Isabella: Hebrew name means "devoted to God."
Ishi: Japanese name means "stone."
Isolde: German name means "ice."
Jamille: Arabic name means "beautiful."
Jasmine: A pretty red flower that’s beautifully scented.
Jemima: Arabic name means "little dove."
Jessica: Hebrew name means "rich."
Jewel: Latin name means "precious."
Jillian: Latin name means "youthful."
Joan: English name means "God’s gracious gift."
Jolie: French name means "pretty."
Josephine: Biblical name means "He shall add."
Joy: French name means "rejoicing."
Judith: Latin name means "praised."
Justine: American name means "fair, just."
Kai: Japanese name means "forgiveness."
Karis: Greek name means "grace."
Keesa: Russian name means "kitten."
Keira: Irish name means "dusky; dark haired."
Koneko: Japanese for "kitten."
Kyla: Celtic name means "a beauty that only poetry can capture."
Lana: Greek name means "light."
Lauren: Latin name means "laurel leaves."
Layla: Arabic name means "born at night."
Letitia: Latin name means "joy, happiness."
Lily: The flower has connotations of purity and beauty.
Liri: Hebrew name means "musical."
Lorelei: German name means "temptress."
Lucia: Argentinian name means "light."
Luna: Latin name means "moon." The Roman mythological goddess of the moon and is equated with the Greek Selene.
Lyra: Greek name means "lyre."
Mabel: Latin name means "beautiful, loving, or lovable."
Madeleine: Hebrew name literally means "woman from Magdala."
Margaret: Persian name means "pearl."
Mary: Biblical name means "wished-for child."
Matilida: Old German name means "mighty in battle."
Mika: Japanese name means "new moon."
Milagros: Argentinian name means "miracle."
Mona: Irish name means "little noble one."
Mumbi: Kenyan name means "mother of the people."
Murni: Indonesian name means "pure."
Nadia: Slavic name means "hope."
Naomi: Hebrew name means "beautiful."
Neka: American Indian name means "wild goose."
Niamh: Irish Gaelic name means "bright."
Nila: Sanskrit name means "blue."
Nixie: German name means "little water spirit."
Norah: Hebrew name means "shining light."
Nur: Indonesian name means."light."
Olivia: Latin name means "olive tree."
Ophelia: Greek name means "help, serpentine."
Orianna: Latin name means "sunrise, dawn, golden."
Penelope: Greek name means "bobbin." The beautiful and loving the wife of the Trojan hero Ulysses From Greek mythology.
Peni: Indonesian name means "pretty."
Phoebe: American name means "the shining one."
Primrose: Latin name means "first rose."
Priya: Hindu name means "beloved."
Putri: Indonesian name means "princess."
Rose: Scottish name means "flower."
Roxanne: French name means "dawn."
Ruby: Latin name means "precious red jewel."
Sadie: Hebrew name means "princess."
Sasha: A pet form of Alexander, meaning "defender of mankind."
Scarlet: English name means "red."
Serafina: Biblical name means "burning ones."
Serena: Latin name means "peaceful and serene."
Shana: Yiddish name means "beautiful."
Shannon: Irish name means "little old wise one."
Sheila: Latin name means "heaven."
Simone: Hebrew name means "loud."
Sina: Hebrew name means "treasure."
Stephanie: Greek name means "crown."
Susanna: Hebrew name means "lily."
Tabitha: Biblical name from the Old Testament means "gazelle, beauty, grace."
Tamsin: Greek name means "twin."
Tatum: Old English name means "lighthearted."
Thalia: Greek name means "to blossom."
Tia: Spanish name means "aunt."
Tori: Japanese name means "bird."
Trea: Latin name means "third."
Uma: Hindu name means "bright."
Ursula: Latin name means "bear."
Violet: Latin name means "purple." Also a flower.
Willow: English name means "slender, graceful." From the willow tree noted for slender graceful branches and leaves.
Wren: English name means "small, beautiful songbird."
Zahra: Arabic name means "flower."
Zaliki: Egyptian name means "well born."
Zoe: Greek name means "life."

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