France is a beautiful country in Western Europe, its capital Paris is famed for its fashion houses, classic art museums, and monuments like the Eiffel Tower. The country is also renowned for its wines and sophisticated cuisine. Girl names of French origin are romantic and unique, with its own special appeal. Here comes our selection of over 70
French girl names with great meanings, we believe you will find your favorite names here.
Aimee: Dearly loved.
Alair: Cheerful.
Allete: Winged.
Amarante: Flower that never fades.
Ambre: Amber.
Annette: Gracious.
Aubina: Blond.
Belda: Beautiful.
Belle: Beautiful.
Bernyce: One who brings victory.
Bette: God is my oath.
Blanch: White.
Blondell: Fair haired or blonde.
Brigitte: Strong.
Carol: Song of joy.
Caroline: Little and womanly.
Cerise: Cherry or cherry red.
Chante: Song.
Charee: Darling.
Charlotte: Little and womanly.
Claire: Bright or clear.
Coletta: Victory of the people.
Denise: God of wine.
Dior: Golden.
Elaine: Light.
Eloise: Famous in war.
Esme: Emerald.
Estelle: Star.
Evon: Archer.
Fae: Trust or belief.
Faun: A young dear.
Faye: Fairy.
Fayette: Little fairy.
Fayme: Famed.
Fealty: Faithful.
Fifi: God will add.
Fleur: Flower.
Floressa: Blooming or flowering.
Floretta: Blooming or flowering.
Geneva: Juniper.
Helene: Light.
Heloise: Famous warrior.
Ivonne: Young archer.
Jacqueline: Supplanter.
Joie: Rejoicing.
Jolie: Pretty.
Juliet: Downy bearded or youthful.
Kamille: Free born or noble.
Katriane: Pure.
Lacene: Cheerful.
Lela: Faithful.
Leonie: Brave as a lion.
Lucie: Bringer of light.
Mai: May.
Margo: Pearl.
Marvel: Miracle.
Mavis: Joy.
Moniqua: Wise.
Moreen: Dark skinned.
Nichole: Victory of the people.
Noel: Christmas.
Odette: Wealthy.
Odila: Wealthy.
Orlena: Gold.
Orva: Worth gold.
Pansy: Thoughtful.
Raison: Thinker.
Rene: Reborn.
Riva: From the shore.
Solaine: Dignified.
Sydney: Wide meadow.
Tallis: Woodland.
Valere: To be strong.
Vivien: Full of life, lively or alive.
Ynes: Chaste.
Yolanda: Violet.
See also
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