200 Ethiopian Amharic Boy Names With Great Meanings

Amharic is the second-most widely spoken Semitic language in the world after Arabic, it is spoken as a mother tongue by the Amhara in Ethiopia. The language serves as the official working language of Ethiopia. Here comes our selection of 200 Ethiopian Amharic boy names with great meanings, these names are of Amharic origin and they make good names for your handsome baby boys.

Abal - Serves the king.

Abathun - Be a father.
Abay - Big, great, large.
Abebe - He flowered, he blossomed.
Abera - He set light, he illuminated.
Abesha - Ethiopian.
Adane - He saved, he rescued, he healed.
Addis - New.
Admas - Horizon.
Aemero - Mind, reason, consciousness.
Ageze - He helped.
Ahadu - One, the first.
Ahez - Numeral, cipher, pledge, security.
Aklilu - Crown.
Alem - World.
Alema - He rendered fertile or productive.
Aleme - He dreamt.
Alemu - His world.
Ali - Excellent, noble.
Alim - Wise, learned, omniscient.
Aman - Peace.
Amare - He is handsome.
Ameha - Salute of, kiss of, greetings of, present of.
Amene - He trusted, he believed.
Anbesa - A lion.
Andenet - Be one, together.
Aneley - May we not separate!
Anemut - May we not die!
Arega - He made other calm or composed.
Armah - Ethiopian emperor.
Ase - Emperor.
Asebe - He thought, he imagined.
Asefa - He widened, he enlarged.
Aseneh - You are a sovereign.
Asfaw - Widen him!
Atena - He hardened, he reinforced.
Ayale - Many, much.
Ayele - He became powerful, he predominated.
Azmera - Harvest.
Baheru - The sea.
Baslios - Ethiopian King.
Bealu - The holiday, the festival, the anniversary.
Bedelu - By his luck, by his destiny.
Bekur - First.
Belay - Up there, on top of.
Belendia - Say it out loud. Do it right.
Beles - Fig.
Belete - He surpassed, he excelled.
Berhan - Light.
Berkneh - You are precious, you are rare.
Berta - Be strong!
Beru - The silver, the money.
Beruh - Bright.
Besrat - A good news.
Buruk - Blessed.
Caleb - The devoted one.
Chelota - Ability.
Chemere - Increase.
Chereka - Moon.
Dagna - Judge.
Damena - A cloud.
Degaf - Support.
Degafe - My support.
Dege - My good one.
Degenet - Kindness, goodness.
Degu - The kind one, the good one.
Demena - A cloud.
Deseta - Joy, happiness.
Desta - Joy, Happiness.
Dula - King.
Edel - Luck, fortune.
Emerta - Potential, improvement.
Emnet - Faith, belief.
Enku - Pearl, a precious stone, a piece of jewelry.
Esatu - The fire.
Eshet - Raw and new grain.
Ewnet - Truly, true, truth.
Ezana - Ethiopian king.
Fanta - A share, a portion.
Fasika - Easter.
Fassil - Ethiopian king.
Felagot - My desire.
Feseha - Happiness, joy.
Gerum - Wonderful, amazing, marvelous.
Geta - Lord.
Getu - His jewel.
Gize - Time.
Gonder - A region and a city in Ethiopia.
Goshu - The buffalo.
Habibi - Beloved.
Habtamu - The Rich, Wealthy Person.
Haddis - New.
Hagos - Joy, happiness.
Hakim - Doctor, medicine man.
Hassan - First born.
Haylu - His power, the power.
Hedar - The third month of the Ethiopian calendar.
Heran - Good, excellent.
Jember - Sun.

Kaleb - The devoted one.
Kebre - My glory.
Kebret - Wealth.
Kelemu - His paint, his color.
Kelete - He melted.
Kelile - My protector.
Ketema - City, town.
Kidus - Blessed.
Kifle - My share, my class.
Kile - Son of Adam, cain.
Kinde - Strong like an arm.
Kokeb - A star.
Kokebe - My star.
Kuru - Proud.
Lebna - Heart, Soul.
Lema - Growing Better.
Leul - A prince.
Lewie - Levi, United.
Liben - Ethiopian King.
Lire - Joy, Happiness.
Maebel - Wave.
Magana - Bright light at the break of day.
Mamo - Little boy.
Meba - Gift.
Mebratu - Light, lamp.
Medina - Capital city.
Megnot - Desire.
Meka - He relied.
Mekdem - First.
Melaku - The Angel.
Meleak - Angel.
Melkam - Good, nice.
Memnon - Ethiopian king.
Mena - Manna.
Menab - Imagination.
Menas - Ethiopian King.
Merha - Plan.
Mesfin - A duke, a prince.
Mirtus - He who has been chosen.
Moges - Grace, majesty, dignified aspect.
Mola - He filled.
Mulatu - His abundance.
Mulu - Whole, complete, full.
Nahome - Compassionate.
Naoed - Ethiopian King.
Neberu - The leopard, the tiger.
Nega - It became morning.
Negat - Dawn.
Negede - My tribe.
Negus - King or Emperor.
Negusu - The king, the sovereign.
Nesanet - Freedom.
Nesib - Guess.
Neway - Wealth, fortune, money.
Nishan - A medal.
Noab - Ethiopian king, pleasant.
Rada - He shall help.
Retta - He has triumphed, he has won.
Robel - My joy.
Sala - A large antelope.
Salsawi - Third.
Samson - Of the sun, bright sun.
Seda - He was clean or pure.
Sega - Grace, favor.
Sehay - Sun.
Sekwar - Sugar.
Selam - Peace.
Semere - He became successful.
Semi - Hearer.
Senay - Good.
Shambel - Captain.
Sheto - Perfume, fragrance.
Sitota - Gift.
Tadele - He was lucky.
Tadese - He was renewed.
Takele - He was added.
Tamagn - Loyal, honest, faithful.
Tamene - He was trusted.
Tamrat - Miracle.
Tamru - You are miraculous or miraculous one.
Tarik - History, marvel.
Tebeb - Wisdom, ability.
Tehut - Humble, modest. Polite person.
Tena - He became strong.
Tenker - Be strong!
Teru - Good.
Tesfa - Hope.
Tolla - Kindness.
Tsega - Grace, Wealth.
Urgesa - Mountain of Ethiopia.
Wendem - Brother.
Werku - The gold.
Yelekal - He excels.
Zeki - Pure.
Zema - Religious song.
Zemb - Fly.
Zemet - A kind of fish.
Zemeta - Silence.
Zena - Fame, prestige.
Zenabu - The rain.
Zenawi - Announcer, historian, chronicler.

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