Baby Name | Meaning | Gender |
Huong | Fragrance, Perfume; Rose Flower Or Pink Color; Enjoy. | Female |
Hurit | Algonquin Name Meaning "Beautiful." | Female |
Huritt | Handsome (Algonquin) | Male |
Huriyyah | Angel | Female |
Hurlbart | Army Strong | Male |
Hurlbert | Army Strong | Male |
Hurley | Tide | Male |
Hurst | Lives In The Forest | Male |
Hurste | Lives In The Forest | Male |
Husain | Small Beauty: Good. The Founder Of Shiite Islam Was Named Hussein. | Male |
Husam | Sword | Male |
Husam Al Din | Sword Of Faith | Male |
Husani | Swahili Variation Of Muslim Name HUSAYN Meaning "Beautiful." | Male |
Husayn | Good. The Founder Of Shiite Islam Was Named Hussein. | Male |
Husn | Beauty | Female |
Husnain | | Male |
Husniyah | Beautiful | Female |
Hussain | Good. The Founder Of Shiite Islam Was Named Hussein. | Male |
Hussein | Good. The Founder Of Shiite Islam Was Named Hussein. | Male |
Husto | Chamoru Spanish, "Just; Righteous." | Male |
Hutton | From The Estate On The Ridge | Male |
Huu | "Very Much So."Amplifies The Meaning Of The First Name; E.G., Phuoc Huu Means "One Who Deserves To Be Lucky."Also, "To Have," As In Huu Phuoc (To Have Phuoc). | Male |
Huxeford | From Hugh's Ford | Male |
Huxford | From Hugh's Ford | Male |
Huxley | From Hugh's Meadow | Male |
Huxly | From Hugh's Meadow | Male |
Huy | Sending Light Out; Brightness | Male |
Huyana | Miwok Name Meaning " Falling Rain." IMALA | Female |
Huyen | Having A Reflective Black Color | Female |
Huynh | Older Brother (Chinese/Vietnamese Word/Meaning) | Male |
Hwaeteleah | From The Wheat Feild | Male |
Hweolere | Wheel Maker | Male |
Hwertun | From The Estate At The Hollow | Male |
Hwistlere | Piper | Male |
Hwitby | From The White Farmstead | Male |
Hwitcomb | From The White Hollow | Male |
Hwitcumb | From The White Hollow | Male |
Hwitford | From The White Ford | Male |
Hwithloew | From The White Hill | Male |
Hwitloc | From The White Fortress | Male |