Name | Meaning | Gender | Origin |
Ginessa | White As Foam | Female | Celtic |
Guendolen | White | Female | English |
Guennola | White | Female | Celtic |
Guinevere | White Lady | Female | Celtic |
Gunn | White | Male | Scottish |
Gunna | White | Female | Scottish |
Gwendolin | Of The White Brow | Female | Celtic |
Gwenevieve | White Wave | Female | Celtic |
Gwenn | Of The White Brow | Female | Celtic |
Gwenyver | White Lady | Female | Celtic |
Gwyndolin | Of The White Brow | Female | Celtic |
Gwynn | Of The White Brow | Female | Celtic |
Hotah | Sioux Name Meaning " White." HOTOTO | Male | Native American |
Hwitby | From The White Farmstead | Male | English |
Hwitcomb | From The White Hollow | Male | English |
Hwitcumb | From The White Hollow | Male | English |
Hwitford | From The White Ford | Male | English |
Hwithloew | From The White Hill | Male | English |
Hwitloc | From The White Fortress | Male | English |
Irvin | White | Male | Celtic |
Irvyn | White | Male | Celtic |
Ivory | White: Pure. Reference To Creamy-White Color Of Ivory: Or To The Hard Tusk Used For Carving Fine Art And Jewelry. | Female | English |
Izusa | White Stone | Female | Native American |
Jeni | White; Soft | Female | Romanian |
Jenisei | "I Made It Up From Genesis, The Meaning Of Jennifer Is White Wave And The Meaning Of Genesis Is Origin So The Meaning Could Be White Waves Origin Or The Ocean Or The Sea Etc." | Female | English |
Jennifer | White Wave | Female | Celtic |
Jennyfer | White Wave | Female | Celtic |
Jennyver | White Wave | Female | Celtic |
Kachada | Hopi Name Meaning " White Man." KAGA | Male | Native American |
Kohkahycumest | Cheyenne Name Meaning " White Crow Or White Antelope." | Male | Native American |