Baby Name | Meaning | Gender |
Marigold | Mary's Gold - Refers To Both The Flower And The Mother Of Jesus. | Female |
Maurelle | Dark And Elfin | Female |
Melaina | Dark. | Female |
Melia | Plumeria | Female |
Melissa | Meaning Unknown | Female |
Meriel | Variant Of Muriel Shining Sea. | Female |
Merope | Myth Name (Foster Mother Of Oedipus) | Female |
Merry | Happy | Female |
Metis | Myth Name (Resourcefulness) | Female |
Michael | Gift From God | Male |
Moria | The Wind | Female |
Nata | Speaker | Female |
Neda | Wealthy Guardian | Female |
Nephele | Myth Name (The Cloud Hera Made By Zeus That Birthed The Centaurs) | Female |
Nereus | Myth Name (Father Of The Nereids) | Male |
Nerine | Myth Name (The Sea Nymphs) | Female |
Nerissa | Daughter Of The Sea. | Female |
Nevada | Snowy | Female |
Niamh | Bright. | Female |
Nidawi | Omaha Name Meaning " Fairy." | Female |
Nixie | Little Water Sprite | Female |
Nokomis | Cheyenne Name Meaning "Grandmother." | Female |
Nova | Chases Butterfly (Hopi) | Female |
Nympha | Bride | Female |
Nysa | Goal | Female |