Baby Name | Meaning | Gender |
Chaya | Abbreviation For People With Names Ending In -Ario. | Female |
Chela | Consolation | Female |
Chica | Pet Name Meaning Little Girl. | Female |
Chiquita | Pet Name Meaning Little Girl. | Female |
Chloe | Means | Female |
Chrisanna | Variant Of Chrysantus | Female |
Chrisanne | Variant Of Chrysantus | Female |
Christina | Variant Of Christiana. Follower Of Christ. | Female |
Chrysann | Variant Of Chrysantus | Female |
Cierra | Saw | Female |
Cipriana | Myth Name | Female |
Cira | Sun | Female |
Ciri | Variant Of Cyril. | Female |
Clara | Bright | Female |
Clareta | Brilliant | Female |
Clarinda | Beautiful | Female |
Clarisa | Bright: Shining And Gentle: Famous. | Female |
Clarissa | Clear | Female |
Claudia | Lame | Female |
Clementina | Clemency: Mercy. Clemence Was The Mythological Roman Goddess Of Pity. | Female |
Clodovea | Feminine Form Of Clodoveo Famous Warrior | Female |
Coco | A Pet Name. | Female |
Coleta | Victorious. | Female |
Concepcion | Reference To The Immaculate Conception | Female |
Concetta | From The Immaculate Conception | Female |