Honey | Sweet | Female |
Hope | Hope | Female |
Horus | Myth Name (God Of The Sky) | Male |
Hoshi | Star | Female |
Howard | Chief Guardian | Male |
Hubert | Bright: Intelligent. | Male |
Hue | Lily Flower; Intelligence; Mental Brilliance; Enlightenment | Female |
Hugh | Intelligent | Male |
Hunter | Hunter | Male |
Hydra | Myth Name (A Dragon Killed By Hercules) | Female |
Hyperion | Myth Name (A Titan) | Male |
Ianthe | Flower | Female |
Ilana | Tree | Female |
Ilene | Variant Of Eileen. | Female |
Ilithya | Myth Name | Female |
Ina | Unisexual Name Meaning "Illuminate; Light Up." | Female |
India | Unisexual Name Meaning "River." | Female |
Indira | Unisexual Name Meaning "Spendid." INDRA | Female |
Ingrid | Meadow | Female |
Iola | Myth Name (Sister Of Iphitus) | Female |
Ira | Descendant | Male |
Irene | Peace | Female |
Iris | Rainbow | Female |
Irma | War Goddess | Female |
Irving | Sea Friend | Male |