Aeson | Myth Name (Father Of Jason) | Male |
Afina | Meaning Unknown | Female |
Agamemnon | Myth Name (Leader Of The Greek Forces Against Troy) | Male |
Agate | Kind | Female |
Agatha | "Good." Variants Include Ag, Agace, Agacia, Agafia, Agafon, Agapet, Agapit, Agata, Agate, Agathe, Agathi, Agatta, Aggi, Aggie, Aggy, Aggye, Agi, Agie, Agota, Agotha, Agueda, Agy, Agye. | Female |
Aglaia | One Of The Three Graces Of Greek Myth. "Brilliant." Variants Include Thalia (Blossoming), And Obsolete Euphrosyne (Joy). | Female |
Ahren | Eagle | Male |
Ahriman | Legend Name | Male |
Ahura Mazda | Wise Lord AMIR | Male |
Aida | Help | Female |
Aidan | Irish/Gaelic Name Meaning "Fire" Or "Little Fire." Variants Include Adan, Adeen, Aden, Aideen, Aiden. | Female |
Aila | From The Strong Place | Female |
Ailill | Mythical King Of Connaught | Male |
Ailith | Old English Name Meaning "Seasoned Warrior." Variant Aldith Exists. | Female |
Ailsa | Devoted To God | Female |
Aine | Fire Or Joy | Female |
Aislinn | Irish/Gaelic Name Meaning "Vision; Dream."Variants Include Aislin, Aisling, Ashling, Isleen. | Female |
Aiyana | Eternal Blossom | Female |
Aja | Goat | Male |
Ajani | He Who Wins The Struggle. Victorious. | Male |
Ajax | Eagle | Male |
Akin | Yoruba Of Nigeria Name Meaning "Warrior, Hero, Brave Man."This Name Is Often Used In Compound Names Such As Akinwole And Akintunde. | Male |
Alair | Cheerful: Glad. Variant Of Hilary. | Female |
Alameda | Promenade | Female |
Alan | Fair: Handsome. See Also Allen. | Male |