Cari | Flows Like Water | Female |
Carmel | Garden | Male |
Carmela | Garden | Female |
Carmelita | Garden | Female |
Carmine | Vine Dresser | Male |
Carol | Joy | Female |
Carrick | From The Rocky Headland | Male |
Carrie | Abbreviation Of Carol And Caroline From The Masculine Charles Meaning Manly | Female |
Carswell | Lives At The Watercress Spring | Male |
Cassandra | Myth Name (A Prophetess No One Believed) | Female |
Cassidy | Clever | Male |
Cassiopeia | Myth Name (Mother Of Andromeda) | Female |
Castor | Myth Name (Brother Of Helen) | Male |
Catalina | Pure IZABEL | Female |
Catarina | Pure | Female |
Catherine | Innocent | Female |
Cathy | Form Of The Greek Catherine Meaning Pure. | Female |
Cecile | From The Latin Cecilia Meaning Blind. The Blind St. Cecilie - Patron Saint Of Music - Was A Talented Musician. | Female |
Cecilia | Blind One | Female |
Celeste | Heavenly. | Female |
Celestia | Heavenly. | Female |
Celine | Variant Of Celia Or Selena. One Of Seven Mythological Daughters Of Atlas Transformed By Zeus Into Stars Of The Pleiades Constellation. | Female |
Cephalus | Myth Name (Husband Who Killed Procris) | Male |
Cepheus | Myth Name (Father Of Andromeda) | Male |
Cerberus | Myth Name (Guardian To The Gate Of Hades) | Male |