Baby Name | Meaning | Gender |
Mateo | God's Gift | Male |
Matthew | Gift Of Jehovah. In The Bible Mathew Was One Of The 12 Apostles. He Wrote The First Gospel Account Of The Life Of Jesus. | Male |
Michael | Gift From God | Male |
Miguel | Spanish Form Of Michael God Like | Male |
Mitchell | Like God | Male |
Nate | Given. Form Of Nathan. | Male |
Nathan | Gift From God | Male |
Nathaniel | God Has Given. One Of The 12 Biblical Apostles. | Male |
Ned | Nickname For Edward. | Male |
Nicholas | People's Victory | Male |
Noah | Comfort | Male |
Oliver | Legend Name | Male |
Oscar | Jumping Fighter | Male |
Owen | Young Fighter | Male |
Patrick | Patrician: Noble. Romans Society Was Divided Into Plebeians: (Commoners) And Patricians: (Aristocrats). Saint Patrick - Patron Saint Of Ireland. | Male |
Reece | Ardent: Fiery. | Male |
Reuben | See - A Son. Firstborn Of Jacob's 12 Sons. | Male |
Rhys | Fiery. | Male |
Riley | Valliant. Rye. Form Of Ryley. | Male |
Robert | Famed: Bright: Shining. 14Th-Century King Robert The Bruce. Robert Burns The Poet. | Male |
Rory | Red. Sixteenth-Century Rebel Chief Rory O'more Is Celebrated In Irish Poetry. | Male |
Ryan | Kingly. | Male |
Ryder | Knight | Male |
Samuel | Asked Of God | Male |
Santiago | Named For Saint James | Male |