Landry | Ruler | Male |
Lane | From The Long Meadow | Male |
Laney | Path: Roadway. Variant Of Surnames Lane And Laine. | Female |
Langston | From The Long Enclosure | Male |
Lara | Protection. Popular Surname And Place Name. | Female |
Larry | Laurel | Male |
Laura | Laurel | Female |
Laurel | Laurel | Female |
Lauren | Laurel | Female |
Lauryn | From Laurentium: The Place Of The Laurel Trees: Place Of Honor And Victory. Feminine Of Lawrence. | Female |
Lawrence | A Modern English Form Of Laurence And The Preferred Form In America. | Male |
Lawson | Son Of Law Or Lawrence | Male |
Layla | Swahili And Muslim Name Meaning "Born At Night." | Female |
Laylah | | Female |
Layne | Path: Roadway. | Male |
Layton | From The Meadow Farm | Male |
Lea | Mythological Goddess Of Canoe Builders | Female |
Leah | Meadow | Female |
Leandro | Lion | Male |
Leanna | Derived From An Irish Gaelic Of Helen: (Light:Beautiful Woman): Variant Of Liana: (Youthful:Bond). | Female |
Lee | Unisexual Name Meaning "Plum" | Female |
Leia | Child Of Heaven; Heavenly Flowers | Female |
Leighton | From The Meadow Farm | Male |
Leila | Born At Night. | Female |
Leilani | "Heavenly Flower, Heavenly Child" | Male |