George: Meaning of baby name George

Pronunciation: [George]

Gender of George: Male

Meaning of George: Farmer

Origin of George: Romanian

The name of the patron saint of England, this name means "farmer." George Washington was the first president of the United States. George Harrison was a famous singer and music artist; George Clooney is a popular modern day actor; and George W. Bush was another president of the United States.

Variant Forms:

GeorgGerman Form Of GeorgeMaleGerman
JorgeSpanish Form Of George FarmerMaleSpanish
JurgenGerman Form Of George (Farmer)MaleGerman

Famous People Named George:

Henry George was an American Economist who was an influential political figure.

Georges Bizet was a French composer of the romantic era.

George Wythe was one of the Founding Fathers of America and signed the U.

George Will is a famous columnist and television personality.

George Washington Carver was an American scientist and inventor.

George Washington was the first President of the United states, who led the country to victory in the American Revolutionary War.

George Wallace was a renowned politician and the 45th Governor of Alabama.

George Strait is an American country singer known for his traditional yet unique style of bar-room ballads and Western swing music.

George Stephen was a Canadian, Scottish born businessman who played the prominent role in the construction of Canadian Pacific Railway.

George Soros is a highly successful businessman and philanthropist of Hungarian origin.

George Santayana was the first and foremost Hispanic-American philosopher.

George Sand was a French novelist.

George Richards Minot was an eminent American medical researcher, who is remembered for his revolutionary achievement in field of hematology.

George Muller was a Christian evangelist who founded the Ashley Down orphanage in England and cared for over 10,000 orphans in his life.

George Moore was an Irish writer considered to be one of the most influential propagators of naturalism during the late 19th century.

George Mason was an American statesman and a delegate to the U.

George Martin is often referred to as the ‘fifth Beatles’.

George M. Cohan was an entertainer, actor and songwriter who is known for his songs ‘Over There’ and ‘I’m a Yankee Doodle Dandy’.

George Lucas is an American film director, screenwriter, producer and philanthropist.

George Joseph Stigler is one of the most influential economists of the 20th century.

George Jackson was an African-American revolutionary, left-wing activist and Marxist.

George Herbert was a famous English poet and Anglican priest.

George Harrison was an internationally acclaimed musician, songwriter and singer.

George Habash was the founder of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

George Gurdjieff was a spiritual teacher of the early to mid-20th century.

George Gershwin penned the most recognizable pieces of music.

George Frideric Handel was a German-born, British Baroque composer who spent the bulk of his career in London, becoming well known for his operas, oratorios, anthems and organ concertos.

George Fox was a renowned English religious leader, who founded the ‘Religious Society of Friends’.

George Foreman is a former World Heavy Weight Champion, Olympic gold medalist, a pitch man, an entrepreneur and an author.

George Elliot was an English novelist.

George Clooney is a famous American actor, producer and director who is best known for his role in the Ocean’s Eleven trilogy.

George Carlin was a comedian and social satirist most noted for his views on controversial subjects.

George Canning was a renowned British politician who also served as the Prime Minister of the UK for a short time.

George Cadbury was the son of John Cadbury, the founder of Cadbury's cocoa and chocolate company.

George C. Scott was an illustrious American actor, producer and director.

George Burns was a versatile entertainer who enjoyed a successful career spanning vaudeville, film, radio and television.

George Boole is better known as the inventor of symbolic logic.

George Blanda was an American football quarterback known as ‘The Grand Old Man’ for his unbelievably long career.

George Best was a Northern Irish footballer who achieved great success with the club ‘Manchester United’.

George Berkeley was a philosopher, primarily known for his empiricist and idealistic philosophy.

George Alagiah is a famous British journalist who presents the ‘GMT with George Alagiah’ news show for ‘BBC World’.

George A. Smith was one of the leaders of the Latter Day Saint movement.

Boy George is an English singer and lyricist who was also the lead singer of the English pop band ‘Culture Club’.

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