Bing Qing | Clear As Ice | Female |
Birch | Bright: Shining: The Birch Tree. | Male |
Blais | Lisp: Stutter. Blaise Pascal Was A Brilliant Seventeenth Century Child Prodigy: Mathematician: Scientist And Philosopher Who Invented The Calculating Machine And Hydraulic Press Before Dying At Age Thirty-Nine. | Male |
Blaisdell | Lisp: Stutter. Blaise Pascal Was A Brilliant Seventeenth Century Child Prodigy: Mathematician: Scientist And Philosopher Who Invented The Calculating Machine And Hydraulic Press Before Dying At Age Thirty-Nine. | Male |
Blaise | Lisp: Stutter. Blaise Pascal Was A Brilliant Seventeenth Century Child Prodigy: Mathematician: Scientist And Philosopher Who Invented The Calculating Machine And Hydraulic Press Before Dying At Age Thirty-Nine. | Male |
Blaize | Lisp: Stutter. Blaise Pascal Was A Brilliant Seventeenth Century Child Prodigy: Mathematician: Scientist And Philosopher Who Invented The Calculating Machine And Hydraulic Press Before Dying At Age Thirty-Nine. | Male |
Blase | Lisp: Stutter. Blaise Pascal Was A Brilliant Seventeenth Century Child Prodigy: Mathematician: Scientist And Philosopher Who Invented The Calculating Machine And Hydraulic Press Before Dying At Age Thirty-Nine. | Male |
Blayze | Lisp: Stutter. Blaise Pascal Was A Brilliant Seventeenth Century Child Prodigy: Mathematician: Scientist And Philosopher Who Invented The Calculating Machine And Hydraulic Press Before Dying At Age Thirty-Nine. | Male |
Blaze | Stutters | Male |
Bliss | "Happy." | Female |
Bob | Abbreviation Of Robert. | Male |
Bobbie | Abbreviation Of Robert. | Male |
Bobby | Abbreviation Of Robert. | Male |
Bradlee | English Surnames Related To Bradley Broad Clearing In The Wood | Male |
Bradshaw | English Surnames Related To Bradley Broad Clearing In The Wood. | Male |
Brandeis | Dwells On A Burned Clearing | Male |
Brando | Italian Form Of Bertrand (Brilliant Raven) | Male |
Brenda | Little Raven Or Beacon On The Hill. Feminine Of Brendan. | Female |
Bridget | Strength. Mythological Celtic Goddess Of Fire And Poetry. | Female |
Brighton | Troops Or Brigade. | Male |
Caindale | From The Clear River Valley | Male |
Callie | Lark | Female |
Candance | Sparkling | Female |
Candi | Variant Of Candida. Bright: Glowing White. | Female |
Candida | Pure Or White | Female |