Baby Names and Meanings, Baby Names for Boys and Girls

Baby Names and Meanings It is not easy to find the perfect baby name for your new child, will help you to do that because we features over 19,000 baby names. It is a perfect place to pick up a baby name for boys and girls. You can check out the whole list with the meaning, origin and gender of the name, you can also select the first letter of the baby name you are looking for.

Baby NameMeaningGender
UadjitMyth Name (Cobra-Goddess)Female
UaidIrish Form Of WalterMale
UaltarStrong FighterMale
UatchitMyth Name (Another Form Of Hathor)Female
UbadahServant Of GodMale
UbayyOld Arabic Name; Meaning UnknownMale
UchdrydMyth Name (Crossbeard)Male
UchechiIbo Of Nigeria Name Meaning "God's Will."Male
UchennaIbo Of Nigeria Name Meaning "God's Will."Female
UdaleFrom The Yew Tree ValleyMale
UdallFrom The Yew Tree ValleyMale
UdayleFrom The Yew Tree ValleyMale
Udele"Wealthy."Variant, Udela, Exists.Female
UdellFrom The Yew-Tree ValleyMale
UdoGinseng PlantMale
UdolfWealthy WolfMale
UdolphWealthy WolfMale
UemanVenerable TimeMale
UetzcayotlThe Essence Of LightMale
UgutzName For John The BaptistMale
UisnechMeaning UnknownMale
UlaSea JewelFemale
UldwynaSpecial FriendFemale
UlfredWolf Of PeaceMale
UlgerWolf SpearMale
UliMistress Of AllFemale
UliciaFeminine Form Of UlikFemale
UlisesVariant Of The Greek Name Odysseus. Ulysses Was The Clever And Resourceful Mythological Hero Of Homer's Epic The Odyssey.Male
UlkaMistress Of AllFemale
UllaHas WillpowerFemale
UllockWolf SportMale
UllokWolf SportMale
UlmarWolf FamousMale

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